These are currently 8 known divisions:
- Terrexine, the Great Wyrm behind the Gate of the North Wind, whose trophy is the Voidstone
- Regencia, the Great Wyrm behind the Gate of the West Wind, whose weapon is the Myrthslaite Claíomh
- Vizerium, the Great Wyrm behind the Gate of the South Wind, whose relic is the Mirrorfont Cauldron
- Potentuum, the Great Wyrm behind the Gate of the East Wind, whose device is the Gnarled Branch of the Equilibrius Tree
- ShKTmTh, the celestial dragon called the Crane-Who-Walks-the-River-of-the-Sky, or the Galaxy Spider, rolls the Moon to the Throne of Heaven each night
- The Baleful Gods, forces of Radiance who sit behind the Throne of Heaven, each a season unto themselves
- Ti-amtum, called Abyss, who would swallow the Moon and pour through the Throne, tide maker, the First Serpent, beloved of the Universe
- Astar/taea, come from the same Elsewhere as the Baleful Gods, but changed upon crashing to the World, now always unfolding a breath into the future, the twilight glow upon the Horizon
Terrexen Aethir (sometimes Interrexen) , informally North-borne. The metal named after the Wyrm of the North, terrexine is a featureless super-black, and may be used to power sorceries and technologies dealing with manipulating delimitations in time and space. It is unknown where terrexine originates from, as samples are only found in caches of perfectly geometrically shaped units. Dating gives impossible values, usually from a time in the future far beyond most theoretical transition points.
North-borne aethir tend to wear black, though a some, especially Wizard-Lancers, wear all white. The Plain Guard wear grey the false color seen when one's eyes are closed. They tend to have swept back hair of black, as well as elongated, narrow eyes of dark blue. Their faces look drawn, pulled back from a narrow nose, a sardonic lilt to their wide mouths. Terrexen are usually average height, just under 7 ft, built a bit wider than most Aethir across the shoulders, and tend toward a bit more muscle. They tend to be the least interested in understanding what others want, and will bear down whatever power, concentration, or force they can to solve an issue an issue through sheer force, or sheer endurance.
Regencine Aethir, informally West-borne. The metal named after the Wyrm of the West, regencia is a range of platinums that have a shine or a glow that can be brought to emanate from within. It is used best in the crafting of weapons of extraordinary potency, as well as objects of incredible resiliency and artistic significance. Stones fallen from the sky, having been bathed in the light of a daytime moon are the commonest source of regencia, though other repositories have been found, mostly within the interior of isolated volcanic islands.
West-borne aethir prefer rose metallics, as well as flat silver, with reds from blood red to blush tending to be paired with indigo or grey. Brown streaked golden or auburn hair, wavy and wildly mussed, or long and flowing. Eyes wide under full brows, hazel, with the outer border a glimmery silver, or the iris an odd dull slate. Slender and tall, tending over 7 ft, graceful in an anticipatory vein. Considered the most easily agreeable division, Regencine find opportunities to share a drink or a duel or diplomatic words whenever possible.
Vizerian Aerthir, informally South-borne. The metal named after the Wyrm of the South, vizerium is gold in color, often with sparkling flakes seen in scratches or burnishing on the surface. The metal is often integrated into constructs, architecture, and airships because of it's propensity toward assisting with flight, manipulating mass, and changing the effects of gravity. It is only found within mountain peaks of exceptional elevation, so is difficult to extract without previous means of reaching those heights.
South-borne aethir will always be found in rainments mainly of gold, but will choose accents of any color, an off-white and a deep green being significant because of the two largest family groupings' preferences. Upturned eyes ranging from a nearly solid light brown to gold, sharp, high cheekbones, dark brown hair shining with metallic highlights, full lips and long ears, they tend to have an intense look. Whether in anger, or concentrating deeply, or creating with some craft, they always seem vital and full of energy.
Potentuan Aethir, informally East-borne. The metal named after the Wyrm of the East, potentuum is most likened to chrome blue. It is prized by sorcerers because of its flexibility and potency; arcano-technically processed correctly it can be used in place of any of the other aetherian metals, as well as the more well known control crystals of the Graeshen. Deposits of potentuum may be found anywhere, though the combinations of weather events and natural and unnatural materials to produce it is very rare.
East-borne aethir will wear deeper shades of blue, and will pair it with brown, earth tones found especially in any gear or additional accoutrements. In study and repose, they seem to enjoy purples, especially when paired with details of silver, such as stars and crescents. They often have long noses, eyes of incredible bright, clear solid colors, though nearly obscured with a half-lidded, tired or seemingly distracted look. Thin lips and pointed chins, they are most likely to have silver or white hair in older years, though younger East-borne may have any range of recognizable colors. Tallest of the aethir, some will walk hunched or
oddly loose-limbed and bent over with mechanical and arcane staves.
Invariably, these Potentuans can easily stand to their full height in
moments of greatest dramatic effect, or upon necessity of physical presence.
Lunar Aethir, informally "of the Crane Spider". Lunar stone comes directly from the great sphere of the moon that ShKTmTh pushes across the sky to nightly close the Throne of Heaven. Sometimes called God-shell, it is highly valued for its uses in a multitude of alchemical and technological arts. Additionally, moon-silver has been mined directly from the surface at some point, and is known to be contained in the largest stones that fall from the glowing orb. Moon-silver coins are among the most valuable monetary units within the Aetherian Empire, with their inner glow reflecting that of the current phase of the Sun when the ore broke away.
Aethir of the Crane Spider typically wear loose fitting clothes, often gathered by strips wrapped around arms, legs, or waist, in tones of off-white, sometimes beige, but most often a light grey. Their large eyes often are hued a bright green, though silver and very pale brown have been seen within some of their members. Fairly small mouths on angular faces, paired with their large eyes, give many an intense, focused look in concentration, and satisfied humor in relaxation. They are not predisposed toward any particular shade of hair, but tend to wear their fine, straight hair very long, perhaps in response to their slightly below average height. Often found in advisory positions, sometimes with greater power than the public figure they advise.
Radiant Aethir, informally called by family groupings based on the standard spectral colors. The light from the sun, known to be the alien intelligences called the Baleful Gods, shifts depending on which god sits in the Throne of Heaven. Those who are especially adept at formulae and wards, often couched in terms of technomystical schematics, are able to bind a bit of the radiation to themselves, and so draw upon a type of primordial magic. They bring into their own heads a bit of the gods themselves: Angel-, Demon-, or Djinn-fire. These teachings have spread into the human lands, and so-called clerics have proliferated, practicing Aetherian sorcery, particularly in the southern desert expanse.
The various Radiant aethir, of course, tend toward dress in the color of their spectral family groupings, but will add the colors of families with which they have alliances with, or are favorably disposed toward. Some of their most powerful Channelers will mantle themselves with the colors that only exist in the dreams of the Baleful Gods, such as a humming, chemical tasting pink-like color, or the anti-color of Empty. Since their long rule of the Aetherian Empire from Mokbalatar, the Radiant aethir have made a tradition of wearing masks primarily of rare metals, and many types of designs. Their hair and eyes tend toward light on one end of the spectrum, going toward dark at the middle, then bearing a mix of either for the families that fall on the end toward the Indigo and Violet family groupings. They are the most muscular of the Aethir, and otherwise structurally resemble the Terrexine, though of more angular features, slight haughty snarls, and angry visage about the eyes and long brows.
Tidal Aethir, informally Serpental, rarely Abyssal. Among the first of the Ancient Beasts, created by the Primordial Titan who created the Universe, Ti-amtum is the driver of the tides, and often of the earth itself as she follows the paths of the Moon through the sky. The Serpent Kings of the Tidal aethir ruled for a very long time in the past, creating edifices and labyrinths of unknown import throughout prehistory. Their tombs are sometimes discovered with artifacts and machines buried within of unusual properties that are not now replicable. This prehistoric Aetherian Empire benefited from mighty compacts and ancient agreements made with elemental beings, ancient forces of nature, and even some Infernals. A few among them learned many of the properties of Graeshen world-shifting, though the control-gems for such endeavors are rare in Filios or the Spans.
Tidal aethir enjoy close fitting garments with many gradations of blue or green and metallics. Often particular members will contrast the oceanic or reptile-based tones with that of deep red, white or grey, or a rough-woven brown. They have the longest life span of the aethir, and the oldest noticeably appear in purples so dark as to look black under normal circumstances, set off with bright red accents. Their bodies are long and thin, some to the point of emaciation, their high cheek-bones setting off large unblinking eyes in a variety of solid colors. Most have very pale skin, flat noses, wide mouths, as well as hair in normal dark colors, but many with hair shaded green or blue. Their tendency toward long plans, and a mental endurance that will see them pursue a goal through incredible difficulties, make them incredibly steadfast allies and implacable foes.
Horizon Aethir, informally Dusk or Dawn depending on esoteric groupings. Astar/taea is the name that the aethir use when referring to Taf-Seth-Ra who crashed to the World from the Radiant elsewhere, and was nursed to health by the primordial goddess Miara. In doing so, his nature was changed, inner flame harnessed by his own temperance now. He showed the ways to fight against the Titan called Void, not only by strength of arms and will, but by flowing energy into renewal and adaptation, and by looking to the future to always be ready. Astar/taea, the rising sun and setting sun, is the patron of visionaries, dreamers, questing knights, and those embracing change. Unlike the godfire to be swallowed up, or ancient summonings with terrible prices, the aethir have shown that various martial and mental arts can allow the practitioner to accomplish incredible feats of skill and knowledge.
Dawn aethir often wear loose robes of yellow over light blue or pale purple clothes, while Dusk aethir tend to wear red or magenta robes over orange, pink, or further reds. Sometimes the robes are replaced with long cloaks in the same color scheme. Horizon aethir don't tend toward any specific hair and eye coloration, though their skin tones are often a bit deeper than other aethir, or contain a warm reddish flush. They tend to sleep very little, or all of the time, and their demeanor is rarely frenetic. Almost invariably, members of this division seem to be distracted with thoughts or perceiving things just out of normal range, and their gaze often falls far off to the distance. They are great wanderers, lovers of new things, and seers. Many members of the Glassflame Ordinances, the Aetherian Empire's great martial order, come from the Horizon aethir.
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