The Bright Spans campaign is almost here! So I suppose I ought to get some of the house-rules down that I want to use.
So, I went back and forth on whether or not I was going to add a critical hit chart, or a Death & Dismemberment chart, or some other random table in this vein that will probably mainly just slow down the game heh. I wasn't going to, but thought "What use are the players going to get out of a Ring of Regeneration if they have all of their bits intact?!" Also, that spell. (The spell even has a sweet picture showing the process in the rulebook.)
But when to use it. I don't want to be having limbs heaved off at every little confrontation. That would make for a tonal shift to slapstick horror that I think I'll just avoid. For now. Anyhow, I also have been thinking about what to do when the PCs drop below zero, and have some ideas about that. But first:
- ground stuff (d2 foot, ankle) G dex
- knee O luck
- thigh B hps
- groin B con
- jaw-face O cha
- skull int
- forehead spell
- face brutality (d4 eyes, eye, nose, mouth) cha
- side-face (d2 jaw, ear) int
- lower head-face (d2 upper neck, ear) cha
- neck death
- neck wis
- shoulder rt wand
- shoulder left wand
- hand lead str
- chest right hps
- chest left wis
- ribs/plexus cha
- side/kidney shot stone
- lower ribs hps
- guts right stone
- guts left stone
- groin con
- upper hip str
- hand defensive dex
- bicep str
- elbow wis
- forearm rt spell
- forearm left breath
- wrist/hand int
- thigh right con
- thigh left int
- knee dex
- calf wis
- ground stuff (d2 foot, ankle) breath
Death Saves
-4 to -9 hps: Save vs. Death or, well, dead. Otherwise, KO'd 1d6 rounds-CON modifier, min 1, then come-to with 1 hp.
-10 hps: maybe one day we'll see you at the Plains of Fallen Petals.