Monday, March 18, 2024

Late At Night in March

I don't know if I should record the moment: crisp, cold, sweet apple slices; psychedelic desert rock from some video channel on in the background; a slight ache in the hinge of my jaw; the oldest cat sleeping next to me, looking scruffy and dirty and tired; an annoyance about the upcoming week since my work decided to schedule back-to-back-to-back meetings in what is effectively the middle of my night. The last one is the one that pertains to anything that might fall off into this blog really, because those meetings are wiping out the time that my friends and I get together for our mostly weekly RPG session. 

The Symbaroum game I have been running is wrapping up, and in fact, Wednesday was supposed to be the last game in that little arc we've run through. And after that last game the plan has been to start something new, a setting I've been working on fairly consistently for a while, lesse .... 

            6/28                   Defeat All Wizards

  • Fire + Ice. but gawd think p a name
  • some Wizrd stopped planetary wobble (why?) (head of a bunch)
  • encroaching DESERT from So
                         ICE from N
  • Small band of humanity
    🠆reason for ambivalence to WIZRDS; saving
             humanity but caused

              Orbis ?

...and then a list of names that I know are informed by words for "The World" in different languages. Wow wow since June, though I started thinking about it earlier; that's just what is in my groovy Field Notes dot graph notebook. In the meantime, I developed Angelcasters a bit (powerful souls at the end of time casting back to retrieve Words of the Name (of "God") to probably maybe save the Universe), made Tourism Bureau (a hack of 0e Mothership that is basically Roadside Picnic without being Stalker. heh), and continued to build out my original game-world Tellas a bit to incorporate not-Britain for this Symabroum game that's now wrapping up. 

But, throughout this time, DAW was percolating in the back of my head. And one of the big conceits from the beginning was the idea of these Wizards dueling, with rules of engagement perhaps, or at least common terms of conflict, to increase their power and knowledge by the OG way: embiggening up their spell books. Along with this was an increasing feeling of over-saturation of roll-under mechanics, and a desire to roll some dice! My game Zeroturn is roll-under, I suppose Mothership is roll-under (I mean percentage, right?), and Symbaroum is all player facing roll-under. With all of that, and as we've gone into 2024, the realization that D&D is doing it's Golden anniversary, the answer was clear. Get back to the Old-School D&D. 

So, this will be this, and that this is to blather on about my OSD&D game. My first attempt at bloggery had a few things that I'd like to save, so those will be reposted here I think. I may even *gasp* edit them. Hah, yeah right. If I manage to keep making bloggy-bits, I'm sure other game things will crop up, other RPGs perhaps, my own half-assed attempts at mechanics or mostly completed systems, but we'll see. If I can get some of the background about The Bright Spans down, I'll be pleased, since I can just direct my players to the relevant info, instead of looking them square in the eye, and spouting LORE when we should be PLAYING! If I can get some background down about my leetle Universe, maybe someone will derive some vague amusement from it, though I have serious doubts anyone reads these things (much less any notion that mine will be read) about personal game-world ramblings and notes.

Signing off with "Don Macello - Disappear " playing me out, trying not to be irked about getting nothing done in the next few days, and the nothings that have been done since the start, and looking very much forward to the two groups that will be wandering my D&D game in the upcoming weeks, and thinking I need some bubble water, and thinking it'd be cool to invite some imagined You to my game, and going to go pet a cat.


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