Vitality fuels everything
Start with 5 HD to mark your vitality, gain one every level
There are lots of ways to gain XPs:
Finding a new Floor in a Horrible Maze
Stepping foot in a Named Place
Defeating something Terrible and Potent
Feasting with a Lord or Lady in a Greate Hall, or a Horror in a Dream Hall
{a bunch more!}
How much to leeeevel up? Who tf knows yet! [Probably a few points per level with things like the list conferring 1 or 2 depending]
Roll 1d6, arrange to taste to Brutal, Subtle, and Arcane
1-3 1, 1, 0
4-5 2, 0, 0
6 3, 0,- 1
Brutal +1/level towards damage when hits armor [and splash to vitality]
| Battering ram |
| Hauling | +hitting
| Scavenging |
Subtle +1/level taken to hit vitality over armor threshold
|Parkour |
|Tinkering | +dodging
|Skulking |
Arcane +1/level to technical effect [targets, damage, duration]
|Magic |
|Technology | +skills
|Languages |
We're just going to be using a d20 and a couple d6s!
Hit Thresholds:
5+ Melee
10+ Missile
15+ Armor
Armor has 6, 4, 2 hits for Plate harness, maille, gambeson
Shields soak 1 or 2 hits but break if damage rolled = soak
Difficulties (probably 2d6 + mods):
medium 7
hard 9
exceptional 11
legendary 13
otherworldy 15
Everyone is a Human!
Choose which kind of "human" :
-can squeeze under doors, between rocks, finger into locks, eye into peepholes. With enough time can squeeze through the smallest crack. Soft edges, and a hearty jiggling healthiness. Quite friendly, very sociable, and like to cuddle.
-Graceful and angular externally, inside made of a spidery, multijointed leg for each decade alive. Props up ethereal alien beauty that is really just 999 insects that may [butterfly: fog cloud, spider: web, flies: {buzzing-silence?}]
-born from the mixture of skeleton and sinews. Hungry until eats enough meats for muscles, itching (or laughing ticklish) until taking enough skin or furs to contain its meats. May trade up eyes, tongue, even brain. Usually carries a beautifully woven sack. Really, really hard to kill
{{{Just needing to clear the palate from thinking constantly about Zero Coherence, my "it's quite serious and will 100% work" game that is endlessly in construction, so a breezy braindump about some silly rpg. And I wanted to say: Hi everyone!! <3}}}
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